Get Moving Like Never Before.
Who needs more energy and mobility benefits?
Balance & Stability
Relief from Aches & Discomfort
“On Saturday, Pearl was at the Chestermere Country Fair Market selling our product.
Late in the afternoon a lady came to her table. She has Parkinson’s.
Pearl did the balance test with her.
She was blown away with the difference after placing the Liberty patch on her arm.
When she was leaving, she picked up her bag that was full of stuff and said, “Look at me picking this up as if it is nothing, before I it was so heavy and difficult to lift.
She ordered the Liberty patch.

Sleep Like Never Before
Do you have sleep issues?
Facts on chronic sleep issues!
Over 100 million in Canada & USA have chronic sleep issues.
Lack of sleep is associated with injuries, chronic diseases, mental illnesses, poor quality of life and well-being, increased health care costs and loss of work productivity.
Niorra bought the REM patch and after a week we got this amazing testimonial.
"I will Never ever take medicines anymore for sleeping!
This kind of patch made me sleep so well and without any hang-over. I feel great waking up, I feel that my mind is fresh"!
As he passed by the Pharmacy again today he said, "thank you to the REM Patch, I am bringing my life back without addiction to sedatives"!
The Power of REM patch!”

Deal With Pain Like Never Before
Over 10% of adults in Canada & USA deal with chronic pain. That is millions of people!!!!!
Melody shares her freedom from pain with our NEW Freedon patches
“If I wasn’t a believer before, I definitely am now! After a few emotionally stressful days, yesterday I was doing laundry. I barely bent over to pick up something from a shelf and I had a spasm in my lower back/hip area. I could hardly move to get back up.
I received my sample packs of patches last week and so after a day of suffering, with a terribly sore back, I thought why not try the Freedom Pain Patch and really test this out.
Within minutes of putting the patch on my lower back I felt some relief and 1 1/2 hours later I am virtually pain free. There is ‘almost’ nothing worse than a nagging lower back pain, but having this patch was ‘flipping’ unbelievable! I highly recommend the Freedom Pain Patch. WOW!” the patches at first; won’t lie BUT they seem to actually be helping! Brayden had a great day at school today. Teacher said he was a totally different kiddo. He’s had a much easier time focusing; even he can tell the difference ”

Burn Calories Like Never Before
Burn up to 25% more calories, daily, based on your metabolic resting rate.
I have been wearing this patch for almost 4 weeks now and I am loving it!
Since I have been wearing them, I do not feel bloated after I eat, my craving for junk food has gone down and I haven't been going for second's when I have a meal.

Study Like Never Before
Helping us succeed!!!
Focus and commitment are keys to success!!!
More and more kids and adults are struggling today, due to lack of focus.
Even athletes need lazer focus!
Kari share’s a customer’s story….
Got this message from a mom today:
“Sooo I was skeptical about the patches at first; won’t lie BUT they seem to actually be helping! Brayden had a great day at school today. Teacher said he was a totally different kiddo. He’s had a much easier time focusing; even he can tell the difference”

Pay Attention Like Never Before
This is a game changer, for our world today.
ADHD and the Flow patch.
My grandson suffers with ADHD.
We’re a few hours from home and I forgot his meds.
Put a Flow Super Patch on him this morning and WOW what a difference!!
Instead of uncontrolled behaviors, he’s calm and very focused!!
Also, his appetite is great, with medication he doesn’t eat.
He’s one happy camper and so are we. Love this wearable technology.

Protect Your Health Like Never
Over 50 million people bought products and services in 2020 and growing...Just in USA alone, with a value of over $20
Veronica shares how the NEW Defend patch has helped her! The Defend helps make our blood healthier by separating the red cells so they can carry more oxygen and nutrients throughout our body and makes the roadway for the white cells to travel through easily to optimize our immunity.
“No more jet lag.. I’m on vacation and usually get altitude sickness for a few days when I come to our second home at 5500 ft above sea level,.... wore the Defend patch before getting on the plane and I experienced NO altitude sickness or jet lag! Praise God for these wonderful patches!”

Deal With Stress Like Never Before Stress is at and all time high!!!!
Does this sound like you? If so, deal with it the drug free way!!!!!
Totally amazing story how Jill went from anxiety to calm….
“This is is a difficult story for me to tell, but one I feel could help so many…this morning Bob and I met with his surgeons….first we met with the resident and after explaining the situation, my eyes were in tears, I felt like I couldn’t catch my breath, major panic/anxiety setting in….so when she went out to get the rest of the surgical team and give report, I put on this little miracle (Peace Patch).
When the team walked back into the room, my tears were gone, my heart had stopped racing, I could breathe normal, without panic and was able to have an intelligent conversation on what our plan is…
No meds could have ever turned me around in that short time"…
Dealing with Chronic Pain?
Deal with it like never before!!!!
Over 10% of adults in Canada & USA deal with chronic pain. That is millions of people!!!!!

Athletic Performance Like Never Before
Want to step up your performance? Take your sport game to the next level?
Balance & Stability
Better Recovery
You know you got something for everyone when......
Kevin Murray…..the Hall of Fame quarterback at Texas A&M University, NFL Alumni and Father of 2018 Heisman Trophy winner and 2019, #1 overall draft pick in the NFL Kyler Murray, joins the team.
and says,
“We need to get this technology on every athlete in the state of Texas.”
You realize that’s just the beginning, right?
I say " We need this on every athlete in the world".
Do you have an athlete in your family or a kid that plays sports, let's take them to the next level.

Take Back Control Like
Never Before
Bad habits can steal one's quality of life. These habits are usually anchored in a complex web of intention, thought and repeated actions.
The Kick It Super Patch is a revolutionary drug-free solution to take back control of our lives and habits.

Feel Happy Like Never Before

GLOW LIKE Like Never Before
The Proof Is In The Pattern
Time and time again, Super Patch products have been studied and put to the test, and each time the results are incredible.

The future of wellness in a Patch.. But How Does It Work?
Science Breakthrough: VibroTactile Technology
The technology inside the Super Patch has uniquely arranged ridges that look like a QR code, when these ridges touch our skin, our cells transmit unique signals that interact with our body’s nervous system.
Every physical, emotional and mental function has a specific neuro-code or “message.” The Super Patch patterns are like QR codes and when the ridges in the pattern touch our skin, they send messages to the brain.
In the real world QR codes send messages through the internet, The Super Patch pattern QR Code sends messages through our nervous system and each patch has a unique code and a unique message.
The brain and nervous system decodes the message immediately, and a waterfall of wellness responses happen, from more energy to enhanced balance and quality of life.
Super Patch Launch Kits Available...

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